It's an unlimited amount of energy. and a lot of space on the roof that is not being used to its fullest potential Both houses, commercial buildings and industrial plants Gundit Innoenergy recognizes this importance. therefore, ready to strive to develop Supply of solar power generation system Because we want to see sustainable development of clean energy. Please trust us to reduce your electricity bill. With a Solar Rooftop One Stop Service that is designed to suit your electricity usage.
Gundit is a service provider for installing solar power generation systems on the roof. or solar rooftop that the service covers from provide funding explore the area system design turnkey system installation by professional engineers by bringing cutting-edge technology come to enhance efficiency both in the process of installing the system Ready to submit documents for permission from government agencies and after sales service who takes care of customers 24 hours a day. Gundit Innoenergy Confidence in product delivery and management of the highest quality to our customers through solutions designed to meet each customer's needs for clean energy and reduced costs.