Solar Rooftop What is an On-Grid system and what kind of electricity is it suitable for?
is a power generation system from solar energy by connecting the power grid system (PEA) using solar panels for generating electricity to the Grid Tie Inverter to convert from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) and then connected to the home's power system to supply. to various electrical equipment immediately in conjunction with the electrical system of electricity Therefore, this system is only suitable for daytime use. The more electricity used during the day, the more the more electricity is saved accordingly.
Current Is installing Solar Rooftop worth it or not?
With the technology of the Solar cell system that is much better, such as the Solar cell panel that generates more electricity. For example, at present more than 500 kW per panel, including inverter devices that change direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) with higher quality, making Package Solar Rooftop prices have a much faster payback period, such as Package 5kW Sunkor Energy have a payback period of approximately 6 years while generating electricity for up to 25 years.
Solar Rooftop for Residential

Reasons for installing solar to save electricity bills
Start Saving on Electricity Expenses

The system is connected to electricity

Best Inverter for home use in Thailand

Example of standard equipment installation

Latest Tier 1 Solar Panels List 2022 (Quarter 2)

Partners and Equipment for Best Performance